Comprehensive Plan

The previous Glen Rose Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2009; since then, many changes and occurrences in the city, region, state, and nation have had direct impacts on Glen Rose, such as new economic markets, new developments, natural disasters, population trends, and policy and funding framework shifts. This Comprehensive Plan Update provides Glen Rose with a new roadmap for its future preservation, growth, development, and decisions as it evolves over time. This Plan was developed from meaningful community engagement, extensive analysis, and design and addresses various topics that will shape the City’s future character and development over the next two decades.

This Comprehensive Plan:

  • Provides a 20-year Vision for Glen Rose with complementary Guiding Themes
  • Establishes policies to steer budgeting, development and redevelopment, programming, service delivery, and other City priorities
  • Details a Character Framework to guide land use, future development, and redevelopment tailored to each specific area of the city
  • Provides a Mobility Framework to guide new roadway and mobility improvements, as well as functional considerations
  • Goals, Strategies, and Actions to achieve the Vision for Glen Rose

Adopted in August of 2022, the 2022-2024 City of Glen Rose Strategic Plan guides the City as an organization/business. City Leadership recognizes that the best organizations operate with purpose, intention, and shared focus. The Strategic Plan contains the following three main components: what Glen Rose (as a City organization) is deeply passionate about, what Glen Rose can be the best at, and what can fuel the City’s economic engine. At the intersection of these topics is the Vision Statement for the City and 10 two-year goals. One of the 10 two-year goals was to complete this Comprehensive Plan update.

The Comprehensive Plan and Strategic Plan work together to guide the future of Glen Rose. These Plans provide a solid foundation to move the community closer to its envisioned future and provide perspectives on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges in Glen Rose, among other information.

Future plans and studies can be developed under the umbrella of, and with the guidance contained in the Comprehensive Plan. A Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Downtown Plan, and/or an Impact Fee Study can serve as extensions of the Comprehensive Plan to implement its Goals, Strategies, and Actions.